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Track and Trace

ACS provides guidance on track and trace regulations, but we are not responsible for registering retailers or providing codes.

Tobacco Track and Trace: Transition to new IT Provider

What has happened?

The UK tobacco track and system has moved from the previous IT provider De La Rue (DLR) to a new IT provider called Dentsu. After the 1st of July 2022, retailers already registered to the DLR system have been automatically transferred to the Dentsu system including their Economic Operator Identifier Codes (EIODs) and Facility Identifier Codes (FIDs).

The tobacco track and trace system traces tobacco products manufactured in or imported into the UK through the supply chain down to individual retail sites. This is done through the use of a unique identifier code associated with every tobacco product which is scanned throughout the supply chain all the way down to retail businesses that have unique Economic Operator IDs and Facility IDs.

How to Register as a New Business

If you are a retailer and you sell cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco in the UK market, you must be registered in the new UK track and trace system. You will need an economic operator identifier code (EO-ID) for your business and facility identifier codes (F- ID) for each location at which you sell cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco.

In order to register in the new system you need to request access to the Denstu platform by clicking here and complete the following information:

Section 1) Choose the type of business activity you perform.

Section 2) Provide relevant details about your business (you will need to include either your VAT or TIN number).

Section 3) Complete the relevant billing information.

Section 4) Fill in your primary contact information.

Each Economic Operator will have 1 Organisation created into the UK ID Issuer as their “Organisation Account”. Via this account, a company can then register additional EO-IDs and facility identifier codes (F – ID) by going to the ID issuing section which is available here and completing the relevant steps.

What products are subject to the UK track and trace rules?

All unit packs of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco manufactured in, or imported into the UK, are subject to UK tobacco track and trace rules. Other tobacco products will be subject to the UK tobacco track and trace rules from 20 May 2024.

More Information About Track and Trace

What is track and trace?

Since 20th May 2019, tobacco manufacturers have been required to provide unique identifier codes on cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco products.

Cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco must also be tracked through the supply chain. This means that distributors, wholesalers and retailers with distribution centres are required to scan these products in and out of their warehouses.

When retailers are purchasing cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco with unique identifier codes, they are required to have an Economic Operator Identifier Code and a Facility Identifier Code so that the supplier can track the business and store that those products are moving to.

Is it just manufacturers and wholesalers that are required to scan products? What do I need to do if I move tobacco products from one of my stores to another?

Retailers will have no obligation to scan or track tobacco products that they receive in-store.

The last movements that must be tracked is the sale from the manufacturer/wholesaler to the first retail outlet (to the first premises that sells directly to the consumer) when cigarette and hand-rolling tobacco products departs the warehouse or delivery vehicle.

This means that retailers will have no obligation to scan or track movements of their stock between stores in the same business.

I store/distribute tobacco products within my business, what do I need to do?

If retailers store (at a different address to their shops) or distribute tobacco products within their business or sell cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco to other businesses, they will need to obtain equipment to record the movement of these products. The tobacco industry are responsible for providing the equipment and have appointed a third party provider ‘SGS’ to act as the single point of contact. To find out more information, such as how to work out what equipment is needed and how to obtain it, visit the SGS website at:

What happens if I don’t comply?

If a retailer does not have an Economic Operator Identifier Code and a Facility Identifier Code, they will not be able to purchase tobacco.

Where can I get more information?

HMRC guidance for retailers storing and selling of tobacco for businesses is available here. The guidance also includes information for wholesalers which covers recording sales, scanning tobacco products and aggregating unit packs.

Any business who is currently making, or intends to make, a cash transaction of 10,000 Euros (£8,560) or more for tobacco products (or any other items) is required to register as a High Value Dealer with HMRC. For more information, click here:

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